Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tallest Tower Contest Reflection

1. Our team lost the tallest tower Lego challenge because we didn’t have the tallest tower. In class we learned about how the different Lego pieces work and what they are used for. My group used the pieces that we got fairly well because we used them properly and efficiently. We made a stable base and then worked up from there. I think that we spent more time discussing than actually doing and that was a major problem. Instead of using our limited time for building we designed and didn’t have enough time to build what we wanted.

2. Mary and I had the same personality type and Fatima’s was fairly close as well. We were all intuitive and every time we put a piece on our tower we spent a lot of time trying to secure it really well because we were all thinking ahead and solving problems that we didn’t have yet but could have in the future. This slowed down our progress quite a lot. We shared the “Feeling” personality trait and were all aware when other people didn’t have anything to do so we would stop and make sure everyone felt included and useful. Unfortunately this lead to some jobs being done multiple times by each member of the group just for the sake of doing something.

3.think that our team was best at sharing and communication. This added to the group dynamic and by having everyone involved there were no discrepancies and every decision was agreed upon by the whole group. The performance therefore went smoothly and there were no conflicts and everyone benefited from what we learned because everyone understood what went wrong.
 The performance therefore went smoothly and there were no conflicts. We were also very good at using every piece and putting them to good use. We were careful not to just stick a piece somewhere because we had to use it somehow. We found ways that its actual purpose could help our tower get taller.

4.For next time I think that our group could be more creative with our solutions and not worry too much about how each piece works but more how they will contribute to the overall solution to the problem. We could also split up certain jobs so that our expertise was distributed well and we all weren’t trying to work on the exact same thing. For example while the parts collector was collecting the other two members could continue building or discussing what comes next instead of waiting for the parts collector to get back. Next time our design could have a wider base in order to make it higher yet still fairly stable. Our base wasn’t that big so the stable area we had to work with, as the height increased, got smaller and smaller and less effective. 

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