Monday 6 February 2012

Jung Typology Test

      1.  On the Jung Typology test I got, ENFJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
I definitely agree with my results. I find that I am concerned with external issues rather than my own feelings. I’m not quite sure how intuitive I can be but sometimes during movies I do predict what will happen next. I think a lot before I act and I do judge things a lot and I sympathize with people. This Jung Typology Test is creepily correct.

2. Career links: Counselling, Psychology, Social Work, Education, Physician, Science, Computer Programming.
In this list I’m interested in Psychology because I find that the way people think and why they do that is really interesting. Social Work and counselling sounds interesting too because you get to interact with people and help them solve their problems, but I don’t know too much about the profession. I don’t really know what they mean by “science” because it’s such a broad field, but I’m interested in science in general as well.
I was surprised that the test suggested Physician because my immediate response to that as a career option is, “no way”. I guess it’s because I used to hate the thought of going to the doctor’s office because of the association it has with needles. Since then I haven’t really reconsidered it until now. I also don’t really like the smell of doctor’s offices.

  3.  I didn’t really learn much about myself from this test. I just learned that I have mentally blocked out some options for careers because of past experiences. Now I think I should reconsider my options because I’ve changed and so might my interests, so I should take another look at everything. I learned that there are some really cool jobs that somebody thinks I might be good at based on my personality.

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